At work in us

Bracelets and pumper stickers brandish the slogan WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? While it is a great question, Chris Tiegreen in Worship the King suggest we could be asking  a more pertinent question: WIJD – What Is Jesus Doing? This reframed twist puts in a sense of Jesus as present with us and active through us—NOW.

Yes, Jesus’ life gives us an example to follow; we can ask “What would Jesus do?” in any situation and try to do likewise. But more than just an example, He lives within us. Inhabits us. Empowers us. Gives us directions, in real time.

God is at work. Can we see it? Do we understand it? Are we, the pots of clay in our Potter’s hands, cooperating so that He can also put us to work in the places He is already moving?

After the melting, refining, molding, and shaping, may we grasp and get involved in whatever Jesus is doing today.

~ Diane

About Omondis In Kenya

Ibrahim and Diane Omondi serve on the DOVE Christian Fellowship International Apostolic Council, giving oversight to the region of Africa. They have been ministering together in Kenya since 1984 and now oversee the work of more than 100 congregations in four nations. They also give leadership to the missions thrust of DOVE Africa which includes 14 Kenyan and Ugandan missionaries serving among unreached people groups in these nations. The Omondis direct Springs of Africa, a non-profit organization sponsoring micro-finance, community development and various education initiatives.
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1 Response to At work in us

  1. Thank you, Diane! May I continually see what my Father is doing so I can do likewise.

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